
In this four-part series, Drs Anna Wilkinson, Alexandra Ginty,  Genevieve Chaput, Sian Shuel, and Nureen Sumar discuss the spectrum of cancer care from a family physician perspective. The series is also available as a podcast. In part two, Dr. Alexandra Ginty reviews cognitive and psychosocial impacts for cancer survivors.   Learning objectives are: Support patients…

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Manal Badi December 4, 2022

this particular one was very interesting and informative… we encounter everything you said many times in practice. thanks a lot!

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  • Dr. Alexandra Ginty MD CCFP(EM) FCFP
  • Dr. Anna Wilkinson MSc MD CCFP FCFP
  • Dr. Genevieve Chaput MD MEd CCFP FCFP
  • Dr. Nureen Sumar MD MSc CCFP
  • Dr. Sian Shuel MD CCFP(PC)

Spearkers do not have any conflicts of interest to declare.

1. NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines, Survivorship. 2017

2. BC Cancer Agency Care Drug Manual - Tamoxifen, Revised Feb 1, 2015

3. Nguyen LD, Ehrlich BE. Cellular mechanisms and treatments for chemobrain: insight from aging and neurodegenerative diseases. EMBO Mol Med. 2020;12:e12075

4. Ferguson RJ, McDonald BC, Saykin AJ, Ahles TA. Brain structure and function differences in monozygotic twins: possible effects of breast cancer chemotherapy. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2007;25(25):3866
