Presenter: G. Michael Allan MD CCFP James McCormack BSc(Pharm) PharmD Michael R Kolber BSc MD CCFP MSc
In episode 491, Mike and James invite Mike Kolber to talk about Pink Ladies and White Knights. In medical terms we are referring to whether or not it makes sense to add lidocaine and antispasmodics to antacids in patients who present to an emergency room with dyspepsia. Please ignore the parts when both Mikes battle it…
In the Clinic Episode #33: Smoking Cessation
In the Clinic Episode #32: Pediatric Asthma
BS Medicine Episode #592: Pharm for Fibro: Can antidepressants ease the pain?
G. Michael Allan MD CCFP James McCormack BSc(Pharm) PharmD Michael R Kolber BSc MD CCFP MSc
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