PEIP 2023: Genetics Untangled: Decoding the Mysteries for Primary Care

Learning Objectives: – Describe pathways to accessing genetic services in Alberta. – Evaluate private pay and direct to consumer genetic test results. – Identify patients that would benefit from genetic assessment…. This content is for *CFPC Member Rate, CFPC Member Rate, Non-CFPC Member Rate, and Resident members only.Login… Read More

PEIP 2023: CFPCLearn in the Clinic: Putting Evidence Into Audience Selected Cases

Learning Objectives: – Identify key features of quickly narrowing differential diagnoses on early presentations, including disease incidence. – Implement key aspects of diagnostic evaluation, including utility of differing diagnostic questions/exams/tests. – Formulate structured plans, including therapeutic interventions, for a wide variety of patient presentations (including headache, allergies and stroke)…. Read More

PEIP 2023: Bodies Behaving Badly: Unraveling Unexplained Physical Symptoms

Learning Objectives: – Apply strategies to quickly determine whether or not a complaint is somatic. – List ways to reassure patients about the benign nature of their multiple somatic complaints. – Apply treatment approach to multiple unexplained physical symptoms…. This content is for *CFPC Member Rate, CFPC Member Rate,… Read More

PEIP 2023: Unpack the 6-pack: Alcohol Use Guidelines Reviewed

Learning Objectives: – Review the evidence in regard to the guidelines from 2022 with reduced amounts for Etoh consumption for males and females, particularly contextualizing the risk estimates. – Describe quick assessment tools to determine Alcohol Use Disorder (ex. CAGE / others). – Evaluate and compare previous and  similar guidelines… Read More
