vous pourrez intégrer dans votre centre de soins primaires achalandé. Plus précisément, nous examinerons l’incidence du TDAH sur le système de fonctions exécutives et la manière dont les déficits possibles sont susceptibles de se manifester et d’agir sur les personnes qui ont un TDAH. Nous nous pencherons sur les aspects… Read More
Your patient has been diagnosed with ADHD, and has started medication, but now what? What can you do as a family physician to support this adult population? In this clinical session, participants will learn from a family practice physician and an occupational therapist team about research-based strategies to support adult… Read More
Identifier les systèmes intersectionnels de colonialisme, de suprématie blanche et de racisme envers les Autochtones au Canada (APPRENDRE). Définir les obligations fondamentales envers les peuples autochtones et les instructions qui concernent particulièrement la santé et le bien-être, y compris au chapitre de la consommation de substances (COMPRENDRE). Être à même… Read More
Identify intersecting systems of settler colonialism, white supremacy, and Indigenous specific racism in Canada (LEARN). Identify foundational obligations to Indigenous peoples and specific instructions related to health and wellness, including substance use (UNDERSTAND). Be ready to apply two methodological frameworks for unlearning and undoing systemic white supremacy and Indigenous-specific racism… Read More
An exploration of the political, ministry, regulatory, and professional colleges roles in not learning lessons from Barbara Starfield and others. An opportunity to experience a snapshot of primary care exemplars from coast to coast and hear about common principles from these communities, exploring ways to influence political, ministry, regulatory and… Read More