Quoi de neuf dans le suivi médical des bébés et des enfants au Canada ? Passez en revue et intégrez dans votre pratique l’édition 2024 du Relevé postnatal Rourke (RPR) ! Le RPR est un outil de mobilisation des connaissances très utilisé qui aide les cliniciens, les parents et les personnes responsables… Read More
Bipolar disorder affects millions of people in North America. It can now be diagnosed and treated in the primary care setting. In this presentation, we will discuss how to make the diagnosis of bipolar disorder in a time efficient manner. We will define the different types of Bipolar Spectrum Disorders,… Read More
Les médecins de famille prodiguent la majorité des soins de santé mentale à la population canadienne, soins qui font souvent appel à des médicaments utilisés en psychiatrie. Il est souvent nécessaire d’employer plusieurs de ces agents en même temps. Dans cette séance, nous présenterons des exemples d’association de médicaments psychiatriques. Read More
Family doctors deliver the majority of mental health care to Canadians. The mental health care will often include the use of psychiatric medications. It is often necessary to use several different psychiatric medications at the same time. In this session, we will discuss different examples of combining psychiatric medications. We… Read More
25-35% of patient visits to a family physician may involve predominantly psychological issues. Due to their longitudinal relationship with their patients, family doctors have lots of opportunities to do meaningful psychotherapy with their patients. Often, family doctors may be the person that patients feel most comfortable with to do this… Read More