FMF Loved: Timber! A common sense approach to syncope

Syncope is a bewildering presentation that encompasses a wide variety of benign and serious causes. In this session, we will go over the physiological basis of syncope and will describe a step-by-step evaluation process that will help us separate the serious from the benign. We will learn what features on… Read More

FMF Loved: Axe the Rx: Deprescribing chronic medications with PEER

We all have patients, particularly the elderly, whose pill bag is heavier than their lunch bag. Polypharmacy is inevitable as patients accumulate chronic diseases and yet not all medications are equally helpful for patient-oriented outcomes. In addition, medications for symptoms such as chronic pain can lead to harms but reducing… Read More

FMF Loved: Les 10 meilleures astuces susceptibles de modifier la pratique qui ressortent des modules 2023-2024 du programme d’apprentissage basé sur la pratique

Cette séance mettra en lumière les 10 meilleures astuces susceptibles de modifier la pratique qui ressortent de l’édition 2023-2024 du programme d’apprentissage en petit groupe, initiative populaire de la Fondation pour l’éducation médicale continue (FÉMC) qui s’adresse aux médecins de famille. La FÉMC est un organisme sans but lucratif canadien… Read More
