#237 Verifying the value of vaginal estradiol tablets

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- 1 RCT (302 women). Most bothersome symptom score (pain with vaginal penetration in 60%). Final score at 12 weeks (baseline 2.5):
- 1.1 versus 1.2 (placebo), not statistically different.1
- "Meaningful benefit": 80% versus 65% (placebo).
- No difference: 11 other outcomes.
- Vaginal symptoms:
- Most bothersome symptom score (dyspareunia in 57%). Final score at 12 weeks (baseline ~2.3):
- 1 RCT (309 women): 1.1 versus 1.4 (placebo).2
- Composite vaginal symptom score (baseline ~2), final score:
- At 12 months (1612 women): 0.21 versus 1.15 (placebo).3
- At 12 weeks (230 women):4
- 25mcg dose 0.56 versus 1.1 (placebo).
- 10mcg dose not different from placebo.
- Percent without moderate-severe individual symptoms at 12 weeks (1 RCT, 164 women):5
- Dryness: 85% versus 72% (placebo).
- Itching/burning: 89% versus 74% (placebo), not statistically different.
- Dyspareunia: 92% versus 76% (placebo).
- Overall "success" at 12 months (1612 women):3 86% versus 41% (placebo), number needed to treat=3.
- Most bothersome symptom score (dyspareunia in 57%). Final score at 12 weeks (baseline ~2.3):
- Urinary incontinence:
- Percent without urinary symptoms:
- At 12 months (1612 women): 84% versus 64% (placebo).3
- “Change for the better”:
- At 12 weeks (164 women): 63% versus 32% placebo.5
- No difference frequency/nocturia at 12 weeks (110 women).6
- Cancer/endometrial thickening (unopposed estrogen), 2 industry-funded studies:7,8
- From 386 women with negative baseline investigations, 1 hyperplasia and 1 carcinoma.
- Similar to background rate.
- From 386 women with negative baseline investigations, 1 hyperplasia and 1 carcinoma.
- Percent without urinary symptoms:
- Systematic reviews combined different dosage forms and did not include all RCTs.9-12
- Some studies used 25mcg dose, not available in Canada.3-6
- Vaginal moisturizer no better than placebo gel.1
- More women satisfied with tablets than vaginal estrogen cream (85% versus 73%).13