#265 “Does baby know best?”: Benefits and harms of baby-led weaning for transitioning to solid foods

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- Focusing on RCT: 206 children, baby-led weaning versus traditional spoon feeding, starting at 6 months of age (multiple publications with multiple outcomes):2-8
- No significant difference BMI at 12 or 24 months.3
- No significant difference in:
- Dietary iron intake, hemoglobin, or ferritin.4
- Choking events.5
- Limitations: Open-label study, intervention group had 8 additional educational contacts, written materials, cook-books, and complementary packets of iron-fortified cereal.2
- World Health Organization child growth standards:
- Baby-led weaning: 98% normal weight, 2% "underweight" (2 standard deviations below the mean).
- Spoon Feeding: 87% normal weight, 13% "overweight" (more than 1 standard deviation above the mean).
- Spoon-fed babies gained 0.7kg more weight than baby-led.
- Clinical significance unknown.
- No significant difference in:
- Dietary iron intake, hemoglobin or ferritin levels.
- Choking episodes.
- Limitations: Open-label study; baby-led weaning group had 4 additional group training meetings and 6 home visits.
- Baby-Led Weaning is an alternative approach to transitioning to solid foods which promotes infant self-feeding.
- Key features include infant participation in family mealtimes and offering baby-fist sized strips of food, so babies feed themselves when they begin solid food, at around 6 months of age.9
- Theories supporting baby-led weaning suggest improvement in family dynamics, decreased parental stress and improved relationships with food though no high-quality evidence supports this.1
- Family physicians may be asked to provide guidance on baby-led weaning, including knowing when to start solids, foods with higher choking risks (examples: nuts, grapes, raw vegetables, raw apples, and anything cut into “coin” shape) and to continue breast or formula-feeding during this transition.5
baby led weaning to solid food okay.